PDF used to stand for Portable Document File… but that was in the 90s! UPDATE: now it stands for “Please Download First” because that’s what you need to do with this file type: download them before you fill them out!
- When you click on a PDF assignment, sometimes it opens in the browser. Please DO NOT FILL OUT THE PDF IN THE BROWSER. If the PDF does open in the browser, download it by clicking on the ‘download’ button at the top right
- Find the file you just downloaded and complete the PDF on your system. You should probably be using Adobe Acrobat. Don’t forget to save your work often!
- If you can’t download files to your computer (for instance, if you’re using a Chromebook) you might need to use another program to save and edit PDFs like DocHub or Kami. The same principles apply: bring the file into that program rather than just filling out the PDF in your web browser.
- Submit your work by uploading the completed file to your school portal!