• i-Ready: Frequently Asked Questions

- What is i-Ready?
- i-Ready is a program that we use to help us see how your student is doing with their math and reading skills. Three times a year our students take a diagnostic assessment in i-Ready to show their reading and math levels.
- Why do we take these diagnostic assessments?
- These diagnostic assessments help us see how your student is doing in math and reading skills. The results help show the growth your student makes throughout the year, what your child can already do, and what the next steps for instruction will be in order to personalize instruction for your student.
- We also use the results to help us determine if your student needs more support. If your student scores are two or more grade levels below their actual grade level, then we want to work more closely with them to grow their reading and math skills.
- How do I find the diagnostic assessments?
- Click on either of the ‘i-Ready’ courses from the student dashboard.
- This will open another window to i-Ready, and you may be prompted to select your account – make sure to select your school-assigned email address!
- If my student doesn’t know the answer can I help?
- Please have your student do the diagnostic assessments independently so that we can determine where they are performing. You can help encourage and motivate your student, but please do not help them solve problems or answer questions.
- Some of the questions seem really hard. Why is that?
- i-Ready is an adaptive diagnostic assessment, which means it is designed for students to see more difficult questions as they answer correctly and see easier questions as they answer incorrectly. This helps the diagnostic find the “just right” placement for each student.
- It is normal for a student to get about half of the questions correct and half of the questions incorrect. This helps the i-Ready program find the “just right” placement for each student, and it is important that your student take the diagnostic assessment without your help or assistance.
- How long will it take?
- Each diagnostic assessment takes about an hour; however, it could take more or less time.
- Once a student starts a diagnostic assessment, try to have the student finish it within a week.
- Do students have to finish them all at one time?
- You can take a break at any point while taking the diagnostic assessments and it will save your spot!
- If a student takes more than 21 days to complete a diagnostic assessment, then the work that the student put into it will be lost.
- Can I see my student’s results from the diagnostic assessments?
- Yes! Please email help@myschool.org and ask for your student i-Ready diagnostic assessment scores.
- Will I get phone calls, emails, and text messages about this?
- Yes! We will continue emailing/calling/texting you until both diagnostic assessments are completed. Once complete, those communications will stop.
- What happens next?
- Once your student completes their diagnostic assessments, they will receive a personalized pathway on i-Ready that are tailored to their areas of need!
- We strongly recommend that students complete i-Ready lessons three (3) times per week in the subject area where they need to grow the most to support them to improve their reading and math skills!